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Babilon - T

Babilon - M

-The school of new generation of new Tajikistan.
-School, which graduate programmers and Web-designers
-School where qualified teachers train pupils in computer technologies
-School, where training is carried out absolutely free-of-charge

The school trains children of school age from 13 till16 years (from 7, 8 classes) at the following courses:
- Base computer preparation ( WindowsXP, Office XP)
- Programming in Visual Basic language
- Web-design (HTML, Adobe Photoshop)
- Programming without informations
- Programming on C++
- Administration of networks
- Bases of Linux
- Also our school graduates wireless mechanics and radiodesigner

Reception in school:
To enter the school, you need to deliver documents ( report card of annual marks for last year training ( 7 or 8 class), form 286 from polyclinic about the general state of health, copy of the birth-certificate, parent’s statement,2 photoes 3*4, file) from the 1 up to the 15 of september in school’s administration, after what,you need to pass the test ( 10 question on mathematics and logic).

Conditions of training:
Time of studies: from 14.00 up to 17.00.Studies are carries out 3 times a week. Training is conducted in two languages, Russian and Tajik. At the end of each course the exam is carried out, by results of which pupils who receive unsatisfactory estimations are send down. Pupils who on the regular basis miss studies without the valid reason are also send down.

The school’s address:
Republik of Tajikistan, Dushanbe, the first passage of the Karabaev Street, 8, the “Tajikatlas” building, near to circus.

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... что первая ЭВМ появилась в 1951 году
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