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Babilon - T

Babilon - M


The school of new generation of new Tajikistan.

In august 2000, the constituent assembly was held in Dushanbe, on which the school on studying computer technologies has been created. Founders of this school are Mirzo Tursun-Zade child’s fond “Osheni baland”, “Babilon-T” company, instructor and expert on computer technologyies – Tolib Sharipov. The question arise, what was the purpose of the recently created “Babilon-T” company (2000), which should basically direct the capital on the development of their own technical base, but nevertheless, has undertaken the organization of this school? According to “Babilon – T” company head’s words, the given step has been made not for the sake of reception of any profit, but to make training more accessible and free for disclosing school age children’s talent and abilities in studying computer technologies. After all, thei are our futuru favorites and continuers of the company’s started affair and in youth should become proficient in sciences. It was long-term dream of school’s founders.

As is known, thous years, there were no modern computers in secondary schools. First aid in creation the equipped classes rendered Mirzo Tursun- Zoda child’d fond “Osheni baland”. Director of the fond Makhsud Tursun-Zoda had eastablished in class 10 computers IBM PC PENTIUM 1 for children’s training. Creation of school had also been assigned to one of its founders – Tolib Rozi (Sharipov), who is one of the first skilled teachers and programmers in Tajikistan. Thus, in september 2000 the school of informative and telecommunicative technologies has been formed, founders of which, as it has already been mentioned, became Mirzo Tursun-zade children’s fund “Osheni baland”, “Babilon – T” company, instructor Tolib Sharipov. In 2 months after creation of “Oshoni baland” school by the company, the children’s training to computer programmes began at a level of high modern requirements. The first instructors of school were Bahtior Muminov and Tolib Rozi. Since the second half-year for training to Web-design and creation of sites Jafar Osimov was invited. Under the initiative of chairman Masud Tursun-Zade of the children’s fund , who then was elected a director of that school, the group of children has been accepted to study radio engineering and radio electronics, and during the first year of study in action has been entered 1 computer class with 10 computers. Conditions of pupil’s reception in school were declaired through mass-media of Tajikistan and till now these conditions don’t change. Reception in school carries out from 13-16 years age. For the first stream of pupils 50 places were allocated and after passage of competition as tests, out of 160 sent documents from high schools’s pupils, the most capable and gifted children entered the school. As a result three groups of pupils from high schools were generated. In the first half-year 2000 the CADA organisation has presented school 10 computers second-hand, whereupon in academic 2000-2001 years two computer classes and one class of radio electronic have been equipped and began to operate. The number of training groups has increased up to six. On the second year of training 135 pupils were already accepted. Occupations were initially carried out and still are carried out in Tajik and Russian languages. In the first half-year occupations on insighting the most simple computer programes and technologies were carried out. This tradition lasts till now. In the second half-year at school occupations on drawing up programes in the environment of “Visual Basic 6” with extent of two semesters. According to the plan of occupations pupil have also started to study creation of sites. Within 6 years of school’s activity pupil have created 250 sites in Tajik, Russian and English languages. It is necessary to note, that those created sites in Tajik language at school were one of the first in the country, as creation of sites in Republik of Tajikistan originated in 2000. During that period people made use of OC Windows 2000 and despite the fact that later more modernized OC as Windows XP has appeared, there were no Tajik types in one of them. Therefore, some technical difficulties in creating sites in the Tajik language at the internet has appeared. Teachers of the school Tolib Rozi and Jafar Osimov had found an output – unique Tajik type, utilization of which gave a chance to place texts in the Tajik language on site. The name of the site – Palatino Linotype. With utilizing this type children for the first time began to create sites on the native language. Having studied sites of Russia, Kazakhstan and other republics of CIS, pupils of school began successfully to compete in art of design at creation of sites and achieved certain success in that case. Thus, first steps during difficult period of development and competition were done. The theme of created sites basically was “My school”. There were also created sites on the other themes. At the beginning of 2001, under the initiative of that school’s teachers Bahtior Muminov and Tolib Rozi, for the first time in the republik of Tajikistan at support and sponsorship of “Babilon-T” company the competition among the founders of Dushanbe city sites was organized, which has passed in abuilding of the Union of writers RT. Participants of competition – pupils of school, having shown big activity, became owners of prizes, special letters and awards. The initiative of carrying out similar competitions till now is supported together with basic Internet-providers, working in Dushanbe and carries out with big tension and interest. Since a summer of 2001, the first free-of-charge school in Tajikistan met certain difficulties, as it had to move repeatedly from one building to another, on account of privatization of these buildings and occurrence of new owners. Thus, during one and a half year, the school had to change 3 buildings. It is sad to understand that circumstance, that 5 equipped with computers and other technical accessories classes repeatedly were subjected to dismantle, and having moved to other building, again and again were engaged with assembling. Now the school operates in office building “Tajikatlas”, due the constant care and help on the part of heads of the “Babilon-T” company, there is a hope that sorrows of the school finished.

Despite of all circumstances, school’s executive officials make all efforts to innovations and, getting acquainted with word achievements in the newest technologies, involve pupils to study them. Whithin 6 years of activity the process of training and teaching at school has much more stepped forward. This theme will be shined in the subsequent materials and articles about the school. Briefly speaking, during the academic year, school’s pupils are trained in all modern computer technologies. The acquired experience during study enables pupils to choose such separate directions as: computer programming, Web design, computer script, administration of networks, processing of a database, etc. Training, as well as in high schools, is semi-annual. At the end of each session (term within 4 or 5 months), pupils’s knowledges are checking by means of examinations. For particularly gifted and succeeding pupils concessionary terms are created. On leaving high school, at the material support of “Babilon-T” and “Babilon-M” companies they can continue education in high schools of the country. Now15 graduates of M.Tursun-Zade school at sponsor’ssupport of the above mentioned companies are trained in technical colleges. In 2007 first of them will receive higher education.

In the current educational year in the trainig programm some serious changes are stipulated. Including transition from studying Visual Basic 6 to studting the most advanced computer environment, as Pascal and Delphi. In the programm there is also stipulated an acquaintance on a free of charge bases with Linux Mandrake 10 system, which is translated to the Tajik language. Also it is stipulated the study of Tajik, Russian and English languages at school.

Today at school, at sponsor’s support of the “Babilon-T” and “Babilon-M” companies, the number of created educational classes reached five. Each of them is equipped with IBM PC Pentium IV computers. At school, as usual, the class on radio technics and radio electronics operates. Children are trained by 12 teachers. If to speak about school’s achievements, then during 6 years it has trained more than 500 pupils in the newest computer technologies. Many of them became professional employees in outstanding firms and companies of the country and year after year are improving in their activity. Where the school’s graduates would not continue the study, they greatly differ from the other pupils. Their good knowledge of a computer affair causes delight among fellow students and teachers. For example, the graduate of the school Lolakova Zarina, continuing study at the technical university, because of good knowledges was released from computer occupations.

It is also worth to note the site of the school. At first sight it seems usual. But, availing yourself of it, you can receive the information of achievements, school’s hystory and to gather a lot of interesting things. Teaching materials are also incorporated in it. In Tajikistan the similar site is the single one, as it has:

  • for the first time in the Tajik site the technical dictionaries “Vojanomai computer” and etc., available eor utilization in a mode (on-line);
  • the first electronic book in the Tajik;
  • the first occupations in the mode (on-line);
  • the first tests in the mode (on-line) in Tajik;
  • the first articles and auxiliary materials for the site’s founders of the republic, confronting with problems of the Tajik language and type, and many others

In the nearest plans of school the following is stipulated. Teachers and active workers of the school together with the Committee of the republic on reforms of the Academy of sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan started development on official use of the Tajik type in the Internet networks and entering of the Tajik national heritage. The first result is the installation on the school’s site the poetic heritage of Abuabdullo Rudaki and now many of his works are available on the site. This event can be attributed to a history and it is unique, as for the first time the youth of Tajikistan has placed in the internet a heritage of the Tajik-Persian literature on the native language. This works are the first bricks of that base, on which materials of different character will be also based. The other advantage consists in that fact, that Tajik computer types are quite used and joined to technologies. The subsequent steps in popularization of the Tajik science, cultural and literary heritage of our country will be shortly made.

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